Let's play to read. K-1. (With CD)

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Let's play to read. K-1. (With CD)

The first year in preschool is an ideal time to introduce children to a foreign language such as English.

This is a time when children are highly sensitive to he acquisition and development of oral language through listening. Since the first year in school is children's first contact with English, we provide them with enjoyable and recreational activities. These activities offer children many opportunities to develop pre-reading and pre-writing skills.

Through games, songs, and drills children develop phonemic awareness, visual and auditory discrimination, eye-hand coordination, and fine and gross motor skills.

Sounds and music play an importante role in this book. They make teaching and learning more enjoyable experiences and are tools for developing both listening and reading skills. Children acquire vocabulary through pictographic reading and develop auditory awareness through acquaintance with phonemes and sounds.

Let's play to read K-1 is a book that "embraces" children through their learning process and encourages them to observe, compare, and contrast images and sounds. Children begin to develop reading-writing skills in a significant way and are welcomed into the exciting world of learning English.

Age: Preschool.

Editorial: Trillas
ISBN: 9786071721150
Pàgines: 203
Idioma: Anglès
Enquadernació: Rústica

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