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English for social and health careers. Servicios socioculturales y a la comunidad. CFGM. Atención a personas en situación de dependencia

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English for social and health careers. Servicios socioculturales y a la comunidad. CFGM. Atención a personas en situación de dependencia

The purpose of this manual is to provide with the necessary tools to develop your job as a caregiver in a health and social care, ant it is done from a functional and communicative approach, in multilingual contexts, as they are more and more common in our environment or in an English-speaking country.

This work stems from the need for a specific material and adapted to the possibilities and conditions of professional profiles who help people in need of care, from a social or health approach, that are increasing their demands in a lot of European countries nowadays. Most textbooks work on English without focusing on a daily workplace; this is the reason why we find it appropiate to adjust the grammar, -always necessary-, to a framework that will make it easier to transfer knowledge to your professional reality.

1. Introduction.
2. Your basic training.
3. In the hospital.
4. The call centre.
5. Home caring.
6. The nursing home.
7. The day care centre.
8. Independent living.
9. Preparing summer holidays.

Editorial: Altamar
ISBN: 9788417872311
Pàgines: 160
Idioma: Castellà
Enquadernació: Rústica

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