The supersonic wonder woman. (Fear) Emotions collection 5

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The supersonic wonder woman. (Fear) Emotions collection 5

Recognize and know how to express emotions and feelings is very important for the development of children between two and a half years and eight years. About a story in which Ana and Javier go through some kind of adventure, recognize, learn and put into practice all kinds of emotions and feelings.

The collection consists of six books. They have emotions and feelings we experience at the death of a loved one, anger when we get angry, joy if we are happy, sadness to an anomalous situation, fear of the dark, worry when we can not solve a problem.

Each book presents activities aimed at young reader to learn to measure the conflict in which it is located, and learn to understand and fix it.

Age: From 3 years

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Editorial: Salvatella
ISBN: 9788484128823
Pàgines: 32
Idioma: Anglès
Enquadernació: Rústica

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